Established in 2008, is the foremost credit card comparison site in Australia. We focus solely on credit card comparison and teach the healthy use of lines of credit. Our popularity is driven by the unique way we make credit cards easy for Aussies to understand and compare.
We know our audience and speak to them with an independent voice that builds trust. We are friendly, personable and empathetic, with touches of humour, which sets us apart from our competitors.
First and foremost, we respect our audience. All guidelines herein are designed to support the visitor’s journey by giving them the information they need to make an informed decision.
Our values
These editorial principles explain how we apply our values to create engaging content that drives our high search engine results and visitor interaction.
We’re in the business of providing helpful content to our readers, and so we value independent opinions and analysis. That means we won’t be biased in our reviews, news, blogs and product information. We review credit cards in their entirety, giving visitors insight into the benefits, drawbacks and best uses of the product in accordance with the Tarket Market Determination (TMD).
We may receive referral fees and revenue from affiliate links and advertising, but we are not an agent or representative of the brands, products and services we review and compare.
We don’t sell products on our site and have no direct financial interest in the products and services we cover. Referral links lead directly to the issuer’s product or application page.
More about this can be found in our site’s Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.
The news, reviews, criticism, opinions, analysis and product information we publish represent our views and not those of any other party.
We have style guides and design formatting for our site that are consistent across every product regardless of revenue received. These include terminologies used, positioning of disclaimers, styles of images and layouts of page templates.
Below are some specific guides that are directed by
Terms and conditions
We have specific directives as to the inclusion of card Terms and Conditions.
Trademarks and registered symbols
We do not include trademark or registered symbols for products on our site.
Discontinued cards
We may elect to keep discontinued cards on our site for informational purposes. We include a prominently displayed “Discontinued” disclaimer.
Editorial content
Our content and editorial direction are not determined by sponsors, advertisers and partners. That means:
If we have made a mistake, we will correct it immediately.
All the content we write is intended to help users make informed decisions. We approach each piece of news, review and comparison with the question: “How can we make this easy for anyone to understand and apply?”
Financial products can be complex but it’s our mission to make difficult subjects interesting and relatable. If more clarification is needed, we’ll make the necessary changes.
We will provide strategies and information that our visitors can use to make more beneficial decisions, but we will not recommend a particular product or strategy as being appropriate for their needs and circumstances. In comparing or reviewing credit cards, we will comply with the product’s TMD to help visitors make informed decisions, but we won’t include references to a TMD or a link to the TMD unless it’s at our discretion.
Links to credit card applications or product pages are third-party links and aren’t hosted by Visitors will deal directly with the third party to apply, open or take up an offer. These terms are defined on our site disclaimer.
While our mission is to help visitors choose the best credit card for them, we try to be objective, fair, honest and educational in our analysis of products and financial strategies. We maintain a certain amount of detachment from the outcome, which keeps us on mission and impartial.
We are also human and make mistakes; where we do, we’ll fix them immediately.
We publish original content on our site and observe copyright laws. We will never knowingly publish, reference or incorporate another’s content without their knowledge and permission.
We respect intellectual property but will not allow partners, advertisers or sponsors to use intellectual property laws to influence our content or editorial decisions.
What we publish determines our reputation and we take all reasonable efforts to ensure our published content is accurate, complete and current at the time of publication.
All content is published with internal review and – where required – we seek legal clarification and subject experts for verification.
If a user, partner or other person has concerns about any content we’ve published, or if they have not had their concerns adequately addressed, they can refer the matter to [email protected] for a formal investigation.
We reserve the right to choose the best method for drafting and updating card offers on our site. We execute updates when the new information goes live with the card provider.
Regulatory notices Pty Ltd (ABN 76 646 638 146). is authorised to provide general advice and services on credit products as an Authorised Credit Representative (ACR 528318). All rights reserved.
All information on the site is general in nature and does not constitute personal advice. Users are encouraged to speak with a financial adviser should they wish to discuss their own personal circumstances.